General terms and conditions


1.1. The CLIENT confirms that he has read and understood the rental terms and
conditions below. The general terms and conditions are part of the signed rental agreement.
1.2. The CLIENT must be at least 22 years of age, having an international driving license, with at least 2 years of driving experience.
1.3. In order to conclude a rental contract, the CLIENT must hold a valid driving license and identity card. The LESSOR might request additional information regarding occupation, purpose of rental and/or other relevant information regarding the identity of the CLIENT.
1.4. The rental contract and delivery of the car are made at the LESSOR’S location. In certain situations, the car can be delivered to the CLIENT’S address, for an extra charge, to be agreed.
1.5. The rental BASIS PACKAGE includes, compulsory liability insurance, limited CASCO coverage in case of damages and/ or accidents, road tax, maintenance and towing within a radius of max 150 km from the registered office of the LESSOR, except for the situations described in art.2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.27 and 2.18.
The rental PREMIUM PACKAGE includes compulsory liability insurance, extended CASCO coverage in case of damages and accidents, road tax, maintenance and towing within a radius of 300 km on the territory of Romania except for the situations described in art.2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.27 and 2.18.
1.6. The rented vehicle can be driven only by the signatory CLIENT and by other drivers mentioned in the contract as additional drivers. For each additional driver, a fee of 20 RON / day plus VAT will apply. No more than two additional drivers are accepted.
1.7. The delivery and return of the vehicle is made under the same conditions in which it was taken over, at the date and time agreed by the CLIENT with the LESSOR at the LESSOR’S location. The return of the vehicle at another location is possible only with written consent of the LESSOR and may determine additional costs.
1.8. The CLIENT has read the general rental conditions and those related to the processing and protection of personal data GDPR posted on our website and agrees with all of these terms.
1.9. The vehicle is and remains the property of the LESSOR, the CLIENT having only the right of use and possession for the limited timeframe for which the rental contract was concluded and paid for. Exceeding the date and hour of return of the car by more than 2 hours without the written consent of the LESSOR, means violation of the contract and entitles the LESSOR to immediately apply the measures foreseen for this situation.
1.10. Payment is due and made at the signing of the rental contract, in advance for the entire rental period. In case of extension, the LESSOR’S consent is required, and the CLIENT has to pay the whole amount for the additional rental period. Any amounts paid will not be refunded if the CLIENT decides to return the vehicle before expiry of the paid rental period. However, he may benefit from a price reduction in case of another rental.
1.11. Payments are made in lei at the official exchange rate, by bank transfer, with credit card or cash at the LESSOR’S premises, based on the invoice / invoices issued by the LESSOR.
1.12. The vehicle will be made available to the CLIENT for the entire period for which it was contracted and paid for.
1.13. The CLIENT receives one key of the car, car registration in copy or original, in order to be able to circulate legally on all public roads in Romania.
1.14. The vehicle will be replaced as soon as possible in case of technical failures not attributable to the CLIENT.
1.15. The LESSOR is entitled to request payment for any of the situations of damage due to the CLIENT's fault, within the limit of the liability assumed by him (BASIS or PREMIUM) and in any situation of breach of contract. The CLIENT accepts to pay the due amounts upon the first request, based on the LESSOR’S “repair estimate” OR “CONTRACT BREACH INFORMATION”. The CLIENT has to pay within 48 hours from receipt of the ‘REQUEST OF PAYMENT”.
1.16. The LESSOR hands over the vehicle to the CLIENT with the complete inventory, in perfect technical condition, without warning lights lit, with proper tires for each season.
1.17. The vehicle is handed over with valid liability insurance, technical inspection and road tax for the territory of Romania.


2.1. To pay the rental price when taking over the vehicle, for the entire rental period. To pay all the amounts due under the contract that are provided for the extension of the rental period, exceeding the return date and hour and / or for any of the situations described at art.2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.17and 2.18, disappearance of the vehicle, total or partial theft and for any of the situations of violation /breach of the contract attributable to the CLIENT.
2.2. To take over the vehicle and return it in the technical and optical condition in which it was taken over, without shortages, with the complete inventory, according to the delivery-receipt protocol.
2.3. To use and drive the vehicle in normal conditions, according to the instructions of use and maintenance issued by the manufacturer and specified in the user manual, to drive only on public roads and to avoid dangerous damaged unsecure and unpaved roads.
2.4. To not make any changes or improvements to the vehicle and/ or replace parts.
2.5 In case of occurrence of an unforeseen event, accident, damage during driving or when the car is parked, fire, natural calamity, disappearance of the vehicle, partial or total theft, to immediately notify (maximum 2 hours) the LESSOR and the Police, for filing the ACCIDENT REPORT (report of findings, annex 2, etc.) regarding causes and circumstances. The CLIENT is obliged to obtain from the traffic police the “repair authorization” (AUTORIZATIA DE REPARATIE) The CLIENT must complete and send in writing a signed declaration within max 6 (six) hours from the occurrence of any event with the exact description of happenings, names adresses of third parties involved and/ or witnesses, also damage report to the car and to any third parties. To not abandon the vehicle in case of technical damage or accident without taking all measures to protect the vehicle against theft or inventory shortages.
2.6. The CLIENT will make all diligences and will cooperate with the LESSOR for completing the damage file, in relation with the insurance company, until the file is properly documented, completed and approved.
2.7. If the vehicle was driven under the influence of alcohol or drugs or other narcotic substances, medicines, the liability for any damages to the car and to third parties, accidents belongs entirely to the CLIENT.
2.8 The CLIENT is held liable and undertakes to pay at the first request the amounts calculated and due for damages produced to the car, depending on the rental package (basis or premium) such as, but not limited to damages due to his fault or by unknown author (cracked / damaged windshield, broken windows, cut tires, damaged rims, engine shield, oil bath, exhaust pipe, lost / damaged wheel covers, damage to the car body including mirrors, damage to the interior space, broken upholstery, damaged plastic components, scratched board, engine damage, gearbox damage, shortages or damage to the car's inventory, loss of documents, car key, consequences of vandalism, natural catastrophes, etc.). The evaluation of the produced damages and the repair costs (parts, components and workmanship) is made based on the AUDATEX catalog, The CLIENT agrees with this method of evaluation and settlement. Damaged parts and components shall be replaced with new original parts.
2.9. In case of disappearance of the vehicle, the CLIENT is held liable and agrees to pay the rent for the entire period until the authorities (police) confirm the theft and the damage file has been properly completed by the CLIENT.
2.10. In case of theft of the car, the CLIENT is responsible in accordance with the rental package bought (Basis or Premium) but he is obliged to submit to the police and the LESSOR a complete report of the incident, to return the carkey and the car registration.
2.11. To not allow the driving of the vehicle by other persons than those mentioned in the contract, otherwise, in case of any incidents or damages to the car or third parties, the CLIENT will be held responsible to cover immediately all costs related.
2.12. To pay in full the fines received regarding traffic violation on public roads and any fines for irregular parking and all costs resulting from the actions of the local authorities concerning the vehicle, for the period of detention. The CLIENT is liable for any damage caused to third parties by the vehicle that is the object of the contract.
2.13. The CLIENT is obliged to notify the LESSOR in writing of any change of address, telephone number within 24 hours.
2.14. The CLIENT is expressly forbidden to sublease, rent or give the car to third parties. It is forbidden to use the vehicle for taxi purposes, driving school, security and protection activities, transport of dangerous or flammable substances, pushing or towing activities, driving on forest or unpaved roads, loading the car over the permissible limit, illegal activities, leaving the territory of Romania without written consent from the LESSOR. For any of these situations of breach of contract, the CLIENT will be charged by the LESSOR with the amount of 2500 lei, which he will be paid immediately at the first written request.
2.15. Any shortages of fuel will have to be paid by the customer. In case of refuel with wrong fuel, the CLIENT bears all the repair and towing costs as well as the rental price for the period needed to repair the vehicle.
2.16. The CLIENT undertakes to bear and pay in full, at the first request, the value of the vehicle in amount of 9000 Euro plus VAT and all the damages caused to third parties in the following situations:
– total damage due to the CLIENT'S fault, (alcohol, drugs, substances that affect the driving capacity, medicines. others)
– total damage of the car due to the CLIENT'S fault caused by negligent driving such as non-observance of the road traffic signs, traffic light on red, failure to give priority or speeding (with more than 30 km /h above the speed limit allowed on the respective road sector)
– the disappearance / theft of the vehicle including the key and / or car papers (situation not covered by CASCO) or in case the Client does not want / fails to open the theft file with the authorities.
- loss of possession / voluntary renunciation of the vehicle in favor of third parties and / or its retention by the authorities of the Romanian state or by the authorities of another state.
– failure/ refuse to return the vehicle at the end of the rental period for more than 20 days from the date on which it should have been returned. The payment in amount of 9000 Euro plus VAT (equivalent lei at the NBR exchange rate) becomes due on the 21st day from the date of return written in the contract.
2.17. The CLIENT undertakes to bear and pay in full, at the first summons, the repair costs for the damages produced to the vehicle and all damages caused to third parties in the following situations:
– damages/ accident due to the fault of the CLIENT ( alcohol, drugs, substances that affect the driving capacity, medicines. others)
– damages / accident due to the fault of the CLIENT due to the non-observance of the traffic road signs, failure to give priority or speeding (with more than 30 km / h above the speed limit allowed on the respective road sector).
2.18. To bear and pay in full the towing costs of the car to the LESSOR's premises in case the immobilization of the vehicle is due the the CLIENT’S fault( accident or damage due to fault / improper use of the car)


3.1. The rental contract may be extended with the written agreement of the parties. The CLIENT'S intention to extend the contract shall be communicated to the LESSOR 24 hours before the expiry of the rental agreement.
3.2. The obligations arising from the contract may exceed the rental period itself, the contract may produce effects even after the moment of returning the car (fines subsequently received by the LESSOR, disputes, disputes arising during the performance of the contract or problems occured and reported when returning the vehicle to the LESSOR, etc.). The responsibilities of the parties cease only after the extinguishment of all mutual obligations even if the vehicle has been returned in the meantime.
3.3. The LESSOR is entitled to terminate the contract and to request the immediate return of the vehicle in the following situations: violation of any of the contractual conditions assumed by CLINET, commencement of criminal prosecution against the CLIENT, or its representatives, death of the client, non-payment of rent due for the possession of the vehicle, starting with the first day for which the rent was not has been paid, the non-observance of one or more obligations assumed by this contract.
3.4. In case of termination of the contract, the CLIENT is obliged to return the vehicle within 6 hours from the moment of termination at the headquarters of the CLIENT in the same condition in which it has been given to him and to pay all amounts due for executing and/ or breaching the contract. The CLIENT cannot request refunds of amounts as rent and / or guarantee in case of breach of the contract.
3.5. The CLIENT is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the vehicle received throughout the entire rental period, until its return.
3.6 . The CLIENT is responsible and has to pay all repair and towing costs in case of damages to the car through wild animals or animals hit on the road, regardless of the insurance of the car.
3.7. The CLIENT declares that he agrees and understands that the vehicle can be removed from his private property or from any place where it is found, with all the goods in it, without opposing in any way the takeover of the vehicle, that he will not consider that this measure is a violation of property or a disturbance of possession and that he will not prevent in any way from bringing it to fulfillment. This clause enters into force at termination or breach of the contract. The LESSOR is not responsible for any goods left/ found in the vehicle at the time of repossession. The CLIENT declares that he undertakes not to leave goods in the car and waives the right to make complaints on this subject.
3.8. The CLIENT undertakes to pay at the first summons and guarantees with his mobile and immovable assets for all the debts arising from this contract as well as for all the damages not covered by the warranty submitted or by the CASCO policy, in case of delay in returning the car, disappearance of the car with key and / or documents or in the case of other violations of the contract or damages caused to the LESSOR.
3.9. Failure to return the vehicle in time, according to the contract and continuing to hold possession without the LESSOR's written consent represents a serious breach of the contract and falls under the offenses of abuse of trust, deception and this situation, the LESSOR has the right to file a complaint under art. 238 and 244 of the Criminal Procedure Code, against the CLIENT, or, as the case may be, of his representative. The CLIENT owes and undertakes to pay
200 lei / day for each day of detaining of the vehicle over the contractual term.
3.10. The LESSOR has the right to collect from the CLIENT's card amounts representing traffic fines and / or other amounts as penalties, damages produced to the vehicle by the CLIENT.
3.11. Any disputes arising from the performance of this contract, which cannot be solved amicably, are within the competence of the courts in Brasov. This contract is an enforceable title, by the will of the parties.


4.1. Delivery / return of the car to the client's premises within the limit of 25 km from the company's headquarters - negotiable, depending on the distance, starting from 50 lei + VAT (within office hours)
4.2. Delivery / return from the customer's premises within the limit of 25 km – negotiable depending on the distance, starting from 100 lei + VAT (outside office hours)
Office hours Monday- Friday from 09:00- 17:00
4.3. Return of the vehicle at the LESSOR’S premises outside working hours – 50 lei + VAT
4.4. Additional driver – 20 lei + VAT/ day
4.5. Return of a dirty vehicle, which requires cleaning – 80 lei + VAT
4.6. Return of a very dirty vehicle, which requires special cleaning, including upholstery – 250 lei + VAT
4.7. Missing fuel – 7 lei + VAT/ liter plus a fee of 50 lei +VAT
4.8. Key loss – 1500 lei+VAT
4.9. Loss of vehicle registration – 500 lei +VAT
4.10. Loss of car jack – 100 lei +VAT
4.11. Missing / destruction of the spare wheel – 500 lei +VAT
4.12. Loss of medical kit – 60 lei + VAT
4.13. Extinguisher loss – 50 lei + VAT/ pcs
4.14. Signaling triangle loss – 40 lei + VAT/ pcs
4.15. Destruction / damage of one tire – 400 lei + VAT / pcs.
There are always two tires which have to be replaced.
4.16. Loss / destruction of the registration plate – 300 lei + VAT / pcs.
4.17. Destruction / loss of wiper blades – 150 lei / VAT / pcs.
4.18. Wheel cover loss – 110 lei + VAT/pcs.
4.19. Antenna loss – 200 lei + VAT
4.20. Loss/ destruction of a rear view mirror (without mirror housing) – 200 lei + VAT.
4.21. Rear-view mirror damage (including mirror housing) – 900 lei + VAT
4.22. Damages / destructions / vandalism to the exterior and interior car space, following any type of incident / accident due to fault and or with unknown author, are evaluated, calculated and will be paid by the CLIENT according to AUDATEX tariffs for parts and labour.

5. Description of car rental packages / car rental rates

5.1. Basis package by accepting and paying the basis rental fee - the maximum limit of responsibility of the Client is 9000 Ron except for the situations / cases described in art. 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.17 and 2.18.
5.2. Premium package by accepting and paying the premium rental fee – the maximum limit of responsibility of the Client is 1200 Ron except for the situations / cases described in art.2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.17 and 2.18.